WTC’s First Ever Drive-In Toy Drive!

Christmas In The Park 2020
Women That Care’s Holiday Express
@ Worthdale Community Center
The holidays are always our favorite time of the year as we bear witness to God’s best work during the season! Our Christmas efforts in the community are always full of love, holiday cheer, giving and blessings. Even during a Pandemic, the spirit of the holidays was even more present than ever.
We came together, we pivoted through the changes and God allowed us yet another opportunity to be a blessing and show our support to those in need!
We are so grateful to all of our volunteers, supporters & each and every hand involved and making Christmas in the Park successful! Without your love, your services, donations, prayers and your time, Women That Care wouldn't be able to serve.
We are appreciative to WRAL for joining us to cover the event. Many thanks to our event partner Worthdale Community Center, Lynn Sears Contracting, Toys 4 Tots and all of our volunteers, donors and WTC Family. We extend our gratitude to Mr. Ed Jones for capturing such a beautiful day!
From Women That Care